Ready to use Ghee |
According to AYURVEDA, milk is nectar for the human system. Milk is the most natural food for human being. Anywhere in the world; one would find the status of milk peerless in human diet. Right from the birth a human being takes milk as his natural diet. And milk has very many other forms, which we use in our diet. Ghee or clarified butter one such form. The Aryans' believed that one should have an uninterrupted supply of milk and Ghee at home in ancient times.
In Ayurveda, Ghee is believed to be the best for human consumption. It is full of nutrients and ideal diet for these heart patients who suffer due to excessive cholesterol in their blood. In moderate quantities It enhances physical and mental strength. It also helps in purifying the body and flexibility in muscles, smooth skin an detoxification but moderation is the key.
Ghee (11.66gm) is used in sacrificial rite (yagna, religious ceremony), lighting lamps because it has the ability to remove atomic Radiation from atmosphere and produces one ton of fresh oxygen in the atmosphere.
Ghee is not the hydrogenated clarified butter but pure Ghee or Shudh Ghee. This is a form of naturally saturated fat, which has a very conductive effect on the human system consumed in moderation. Ghee is believed to be used to cure the ailments such as Acidity, Anemia, Anti-dote of poison, Asthma, Bilious Irruption, Boils on the tongue and palate, Blood Impurity, Bleeding Dysentery, Burning sensation of eyes, Constipation, Chronic cough, Chronic fever, Chilblains of sole, Dark complexion, Dark freckles on the face, Diarrhea, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Gonorrhea, Gout, General Debility, Jaundice, Nose Bleeding, Natural sleep inducing tonic, Piles, Rashes due to Biliousness. Modi, R. (2002, November). Ghee- Ayurveda's milk of life. World Ayurveda congress 2002, Cochin, Kerala, India. Retrieved from http://www.ayurvedtoronto.com/ghee.htm
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Cooking level: easy
Prepa Ingredients:
Two Two pounds of whipped butter(preferable) or sweet cream unsalted butter