Spice of the Week: Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract is often used to add its unique flavor to sweet dishes. In addition to the flavor it can add to a recipe. Vanilla extract also has some great health benefits. It can help to relieve nausea, it can reduce anxiety and stress, and some studies have even linked vanilla extract to weight loss. Great flavor and great health benefits make vanilla extract worth keeping in any kitchen

This week we’re going to take a look at three great recipes with use vanilla extract


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TheVegFusion.com: Spice of the Week: Vanilla Extract

Monday, January 28, 2013

Spice of the Week: Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract is often used to add its unique flavor to sweet dishes. In addition to the flavor it can add to a recipe. Vanilla extract also has some great health benefits. It can help to relieve nausea, it can reduce anxiety and stress, and some studies have even linked vanilla extract to weight loss. Great flavor and great health benefits make vanilla extract worth keeping in any kitchen

This week we’re going to take a look at three great recipes with use vanilla extract

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